I want I would like
to go to Paris and to the United States to be an artist and painter like my grand parents
to have a lot of pogs
  my parents to come together again
a Lacoste jacket
no more war in France and Marocco
black and blond hair
a kitten, white and grey
a car  
a cross bike and a DVD a motorbike 50 and a football
no more war, never  
a motorbike, a dog and a bike a television set
a motorbike 50 and a televsion set a pitbull and a cat
Salomon us to invent a internet game
a bike a bird
my family peace all over the world
never to go to school again to be a fireman
a portable computer to see films of Jet-Lee
to be an actor
to be successfull in school
to have a nice job and to be paid well for it
to become an artist of songs
a DVD a dog
no more war, never a little dog
everybody to make peace with the americans and the afghans someone to stop the stealing in my class
a Lacoste jacket and Lacoste pants no more war in France and Marocco
10000 chickens
to visit my grand mother to go to Corsica
no more war in Algeria
a pair of black pants
a female cat, a dog, videocassettes, a television set and a camera a tramway, a truck, a castle
to be a bourgeois

Paule Lévy, teacher, Christian Maccotta et Ludovic Rouanet, Centre de Ressources Image et Son with partnership of Ville de Montpellier and the Inspection académique de l'Hérault.
Annie Abrahams, artiste
. With financial help of DRAC Languedoc Rousillon and the Inspection académique de l'Hérault

©Annie Abrahams pour toutes les images, textes, sons et videos dans le dossier daubie.

allow pop ups

je veux .....
Patricia, Eloïse, Marina, Nadia, Hajire, Sonia, Samira, Myriam,Mimi, Emmanuel, Omar, Ali, l'Hassen, Abdel, Karim, Bilel, Nadird,Manuel, Aimad, Soumia, Sabrina, Ouahiba

We want everybody to live well
(portrait / demonstration)

version française

In this project with a group of 25 children, around 12 years old, I wanted to work on non conventional portraits: portraits not based on physical appearance but on something chosen by the child. We made the audio portrait, you are hearing now, and also some portraits based on a posture chosen by the child: individual pose and to disappear, to appear, to touch, to watch, contact and camarade. The sound was also used to produce some small movies. One of them is called passage. In the end the children decided to manifest their longing for peace in a demonstration.
June 2002 Annie Abrahams

If you want to know more about this project you can contact Annie Abrahams @ or read the report on this project in french