
The second edition of

Electrophysiological Methods and Instrumentation

by F. Bretschneider and J. de Weille,

gives an introduction to the recording and analysis of electrophysiological data.

Electrophy 5.82 for MS-Windows.

Serf Software that makes electrophysiological data analysis easy.

Serf Software Suite

Electrophy is a program to analyse electrophysiological data for MS-Windows 2000 and up.

Electrophy accepts ASCII data, ISO-2 data and files in AxonInstruments formats for the PC (*.dat and *.abf until v1.83, PClamp, Fetch etc) and the MacIntosh (Axograph type 1 and  2).
Electrophy outputs a vector drawing ready for publication.

(contextual) Help is provided in HTML.
Browse the online manual.


In only minutes carry out baseline correction, leak and common signal subtraction, detect single channel openings, synaptic currents or spikes with high precision and make your publish-ready dwell time histograms,dot plots, post/peri stimulus time histograms (PSTH), spike interval histograms, EPSP size, rise or decay time histograms etc.

Rapid detection of synaptic currents using a user-defined template, stacked minis are recognised with high temporal resolution:
synaptic currents, Serf Software Suite

Simulation of synaptic currents, unitary patch-clamp currents, macroscopic currents and dwell time histograms.

Estimation of rate constants in a Markov chain model, using your experimental data (macroscopic currents and single-channel dwell time histograms).

Statistical tests for data in spreadsheet columns: linear correlation, chi-2 test, Student's t-test, Fisher's F-test, Tukey's q-test (one-way anova).

Carry out curve fitting using either build-in or user-defined functions.

Data other than AxoLab files (PClamp, Axograph) may be imported in (tab- or comma-delimited) ASCII format.

Electrophy is amply documented and help is provided in several ways: by key word search, by context and by menu item. The doc file includes a comprehensive step by step tutorial. Under Windows 10, the tutorial can be found by clicking "All applications" in the start menu. Then look for the Electrophy folder, which contains Electrophy.doc.

2nd edition                  
Many of the techniques and routines for data analysis used in Electrophy are discussed in
"Introduction to Electrophysiological Methods and Instrumentation" by F. Bretschneider and J.R. de Weille.