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w 32 love, romance and compassion
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w 44 find peace and contentment in my life
m 40 het licht voelen
w 28 me libérer de moi
m 21 être un fantôme, une icône
m 46 la lumière, voglio
m 44 feel the hot sun on my face with a cool breeze wrapping around it
w 34 everything i have now but to be satisfied with it
w 24 que l'amour soit volontaire
m ? the woman that i have always searched for.......
m 47 thousand options of my own
m 29 to feel
m 26 a cookie
m 45 a big clay pot for my geraniums
w 28 une longue vie à Lieudit !
m 38 I whish dogs not to be able to speak, this way i could take my Kies Balls out of my ears
m ? my nails back
m 42 I wish Janine Love in her life, I love her but in an awkward swamp creature way.
w 9 deseo: tener una patineta que tenga y se transforme  en lo que sea.
m 24 un vélo
m 28 que tout le monde peigne sa technologie 
w 43 share, laugh, long, dream of better future and work for more humanity today and ever after
m 28 une cocotte minute
m 44 I want to live every moment of my life time 
? ?  no coockies ...thanks
w 27 aller plonger demain
? ? the green and the blue in mz City travelling has to become irrelevant