This project benefits from financial support by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (aide à la maquette du DICRéAM (09)), by the Région Languedoc Roussillon (aide à la création multimédia)(09), and from a residency at the CNES La Chartreuse, Villeneuve lez Avignion. Shifts, interruptions, cuts, flux variations, temporary vacuums and coding errors in and between the images, are the aesthetic materials of the performance that will translate the possibilities and the limits of our capacities to be together in a cyberized environment.
Research / Studies / Related Presentations
Trapped to Reveal – On webcam mediated communication and collaboration : An exposition concerning my collaborative webcam performance projects, focussing on / trying to determine the special aspects of machine mediated communication and collaboration.
* Winner * Expanded Media Award Online/Offline Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival no 24 2011. Video, Screenprints, Jury statement 29/03/2018 Follow-up Online En-semble - Entanglement Training, School of Art, Design & Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Invited by Randall Packer. |
A networked performance series investigating collaboration. About relational dynamics in a dispersed group. Several performers, each in his,her own webcam station, execute a performance protocol. Their images and sounds are combined into a single video projection. From their isolated positions, scattered in space, they share a space of expression and responsibility, a playground, a laboratory. New technologies for collaboration exist and are amiliorated every day. But what about our human capacities? And how are these changed by the same technological means? How do power relations in a group collaborating via the Internet develop ? Which models are adequate? How is this collaboration influenced by physical absence, delays in the communication and distortions of the images and sounds ? How do groups articulate differences? We are living in a world where people live more and more in their own bubbles, in their own spheres without need for the other, by forming couples with their virtual doubles. The post-, alter-modern individual has a dangerous tendency to auto sustain in a world where he communicates in the first place with the virtual others inside himself. While the world around him becomes more and more capitalistic, more and more hierarchized, he dreams of a horizontal world, a world in which we will all be equal. Could this be true? One thing is certain, we will have to collaborate with the real other, not the one we imagined. How this person will react in a context of collaboration? What is its reality? What are its possibilities? In what it is limited? What about desires, anguish, hate and anger? How to handle hormones? How do they work together or not? " The term Altermoderne is a word, created by Nicolas Bourriaud for the Tate Triennial 2009. It indicates an art that is a reaction against standardization and marketing. This art is characterized by the transborder - and intercultural approaches of the artists; by a new real and virtual mobility; by surfing on various disciplines; by the use of fiction as an expression of autonomy; by a concern with sustainable development and a celebration of difference and singularity." Jacques Magnol " Marshall McLuhan posited that the media act on us, because they manipulate the proportions in which our senses intervene. Issue from an environment (with its economic social and political dimensions), technologies also modify this environment and what takes place in it. Thus, the environments as much as technologies modify our lives. McLuhan affirms that the media create environments that influence our perceptions in such a way that we don't even notice the consequences completely." "To ask 5 people who don't know each other to come to Berlin and write a speculative narrative in 5 days when all they have is the title is a scary proposition. To clearly define the challenge they did no discussion before everyone entered the room on day 1. Nothing discussed over email, no background reading. Nothing. |
Annie Abrahams 2009 |